Site information
You can display your site info dynamicaly. If it is changed, content will update. Options to diplay: name, description, site url, charset, admin email, html type, text direction, language ,template url, pingback url, rss2 url.
Example usage:
Site name: Van de Velde – Vandeputte: bank en verzekeringen
Description: Bank en verzekeringen: 9900 Eeklo
Site URL:
Administrator email:
Feed URL:
Get the code
[bloginfo option="name"] [bloginfo option="description"] [bloginfo option="siteurl"] [bloginfo option="admin_email"] [bloginfo option="rss2_url"]
Permalink to specified post or page.
Link to the shortcode page to open in current window.
Get the code
[permalink p="4438" target="self"] Link to the shortcode page to open in a current window. [/permalink]
Link to the shortcode page to open in a new window.
Get the code
[permalink p="4438" target="self"]Link to the shortcode page to open in a new window.[/permalink]